Broken Hill to Benefit as MEA Graduates Another Student

After recently announcing two new graduates, Meetings & Events Australia (MEA) is thrilled to announce that it has graduated yet another student from its event management course.

A fortunate recipient of a Destination NSW-funded MEA scholarship, Rachel Merton from Broken Hill City Council is the latest student to be awarded a Diploma of Event Management (SIT50316) qualification by MEA.

Developed in collaboration with Destination NSW, this scholarship program was designed specifically to enable distance-learning-based study by people living in regional NSW who are already working in events roles in those locations.

Being a truly national industry, the skills and experience required to deliver a successful event are independent of where an event is held. The agility of MEA’s education model enables us to train and practically skill anyone, anywhere, in the art of event management, using industry specialist-designed and delivered content.

MEA CEO, Peter McDonald congratulated Rachel on her exciting achievement, “There are many positives evident here. Foremost, Rachel has kicked a personal goal and enriched her career potential. Two wonderful things for her, for which I offer my congratulations.” He added, “What’s more, the Broken Hill community will benefit from her new full competence in event management, MEA is walking its talk of strategic intent to empower the industry, and Destination NSW, with whom MEA is always proud to partner, is reaping returns for the state through a wise investment choice. This is certainly a good news story all-round.”

Destination NSW CEO Steve Cox congratulated Rachel on completing the Diploma of Event Management program. 

“We look forward to following Rachel’s career trajectory to become one of the state’s most successful and respected event professionals.

“Destination NSW is delighted to have had the opportunity to support the aspirations of 63 event professionals, like Rachel, through its partnership with MEA since 2018, " Mr Cox said. 

“It has been a key plank of our strategy to grow the contribution of business events to the visitor economy of regional NSW.” 

Rachel recommends the Diploma for anyone looking to formalise their event management skills, “I wanted to do this course as a way of cementing my knowledge from over 15 years on the job experience. It was a great way of collaborating with others in the industry across the state and there is such a variety of backgrounds and experience of those undertaking the course with you. I found those connections valuable. The trainers are flexible and understanding of work/life balance, so if you are unsure if you have room for study in your life, don’t let that deter you from giving it a go. You will make it through!

MEA’s Diploma of Event Management opens doors to a world of exciting opportunities in the dynamic events industry. An industry-based academic qualification sets people apart from others, both in terms of held skills and employer appeal. More information can be found on the MEA website here: