Dopamine, our hidden superpower

By Thomas Staunton, MEA Director

In the bustling world of events, where creativity and logistics intertwine to create memorable experiences, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of deadlines, managing expectations and demands from a range of stakeholders. However, amidst the daily stresses of our industry, there is a secret weapon that can empower you and those around you – gratitude.

It may not surprise you that expressing gratitude has a tangible biological impact on a person. Research shows that receiving a genuine "thank you" triggers the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of pleasure and reward. In simple terms, being acknowledged and appreciated has a feel-good effect on our brain, elevating our mood and boosting our overall well-being. And we have all felt that ourselves at one point or another.


The Science Behind "Thank You":

When dopamine is released in response to receiving gratitude, it produces a range of positive effects on our overall well-being. It creates a sense of happiness, contentment, and a general uplift in mood. Dopamine also enhances motivation and reinforces behaviours associated with the positive experience, making us more likely to continue engaging in those actions.

Moreover, dopamine has been linked to reducing stress and anxiety levels. When we receive thanks, it can alleviate stress and make us feel more relaxed and at ease. This, in turn, positively impacts our mental and emotional health, promoting a sense of overall well-being.

Additionally, the release of dopamine can strengthen social bonds. When we receive gratitude, it deepens our connection with the person expressing thanks. We are more likely to feel appreciated, valued, and understood, leading to an increased sense of belonging and improved relationships.

So, how can integrating gratitude in our every day benefit us?


Strengthening Effective Relationships:

In the diverse and collaborative world of events, expressing gratitude plays a vital role in building and nurturing professional relationships. Imagine the event planner who takes a moment to send a heartfelt email to their suppliers, thanking them for their exceptional service. This small gesture not only acknowledges their hard work but also fosters a sense of camaraderie. By appreciating the contributions of your clients, colleagues, suppliers, and partners, you cultivate a positive work environment where everyone feels valued, leading to smoother collaborations and future successes.


Elevating Team Morale:

Events are team endeavours, often requiring coordination between various stakeholders. When you express genuine thanks to your team members and stakeholders, it acts as a powerful motivator, boosting morale and fostering a sense of belonging. For instance, acknowledging the efforts of the event production crew who work tirelessly behind the scenes can go a long way in boosting their enthusiasm and dedication. This ripple effect of gratitude creates a vibrant and positive atmosphere that fuels creativity and inspires everyone to go the extra mile.


Fuelling Personal Growth:

Gratitude isn't just an external practice; it also nurtures personal growth. By cultivating a mindset of gratitude, you develop resilience, adaptability, and a positive outlook on your professional journey. For instance, instead of dwelling on setbacks, focus on the lessons learned and express gratitude for the opportunity to grow from them. Embracing gratitude empowers you to continuously learn, seek feedback, and embrace new challenges, propelling your career to new heights.


Building a Lasting Reputation:

In the event industry, reputation is everything. Expressing gratitude demonstrates professionalism, humility, and respect. When you take the time to genuinely thank your clients, event attendees, and partners, you create a lasting impression. Consider the event manager who sends personalised "thank you" notes to their clients after a successful event. This simple act not only shows appreciation but also builds a reputation for exceptional service, paving the way for future referrals and opportunities.

As event professionals, let us never forget the power of a good dopamine hit!. Whether it's a heartfelt email, a handwritten note, or a sincere face-to-face expression of thanks, embracing gratitude has transformative effects on our personal and professional lives.

From the uplifting biological impact to strengthening relationships and building a lasting reputation, gratitude is the superpower that can elevate your career to new heights. So, let's keep spreading gratitude and celebrating those around us.


As an exercise, I invite you all to take a moment and create a simple LinkedIn post - expressing gratitude and thanks to someone in your network - a supplier, team members, client, or stakeholder. Tag #MEAexpressgratitude so we can all see the superpower of dopamine in action!

And THANK YOU for reading.