Event Sustainability - A Priority

The world generates 2.01 tonnes of solid waste annually, with at least 33 percent (conservative estimate) of which is not managed in an environmentally safe manner. The 'What a Waste 2.0' report published in September 2018 by the World Bank, states that global waste is set to increase by 70 percent by 2050 if urgent action is not taken. 

How does the events industry contribute to this waste? According to meetgreen.com, the typical conference attendee produced 1.89kg of waste per day, of which 1.16kg will go directly into landfill. An event attended by 1,000 delegates over three days would produce 5,670kg of waste - the equivalent of four compact cars. 

We are all responsible for taking action to reduce waste and this applies to the management of events often regarded as large contributors of single-use plastics, food waste and waste from exhibitions and signage. 

The events industry has, for more than a decade, been very mindful of the impact that is has on the environment. Recycling food programs such as Oz Harvest and other initiatives have been developed to recycle and reduce waste. Over the years, technology has assisted with reducing printed materials such as event programs by replacing them with event apps. In the past, the very large volumes of printed abstract books handed out at scientific meetings have mostly been replaced electronically. These would often be found in hotel garbage bins as they were too heavy for airline luggage limits. 

But sustainability is not just about reducing or eliminating plastic and recycling, it is also about using our natural resources responsibly. 

To read the full article from the December 2019 issue of MEA Matters, click here.