From the MEA Chair: 1 February 2023

By Michael Firman

Happy New Year to all in the MEA family!

For many by now who started back at work some weeks ago, hearing this phrase may cause the eyes to roll but for some lucky ones, like myself, it’s a greeting that signals a warm embrace, a welcoming and positive salutation after a long holiday hiatus away from friends and colleagues.

The new year often heralds a new beginning and we can feel that we need to make changes in our life, start on a new path, do new things, and say goodbye to old habits, problems and difficulties and start the year on a positive note.

The beginning of a new year can inspire us to start new habits and make changes in our life, but often we struggle to continue this inspiration throughout the year with it evaporating after a few days or weeks.

Each new year offers an exciting opportunity for a fresh start which is probably why we all look forward to New Year’s Eve and New Year's Day so much. Closing out the year can come with so much stress and anxiety for many so the new year can bring great promise and hope for the year that’s ahead.

Some can’t wait to get back to work, or back to ‘normal’, as it provides structure and purpose surrounding you with familiarity and companionship. While I’ll miss sitting by the pool, having late breakfast, afternoon naps and drinking beer in the sun, it’s comforting to be back with my team and facing the challenges that a new day in the events industry can throw at you. While I’ll miss the lazy summer days, I don’t think I’m ready to retire just yet to make it a permanent thing.

Each to their own happiness. Happiness and the freedom to do what you want begins with one principle – some things are in your control and some things are not. This is not a new concept, in fact, this is an ancient saying from the philosopher, Epictetus, who was born nearly 2,000 years ago as a slave in a wealthy household.

Socrates, the classical Greek philosopher, also mused “Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” I wonder what these ancient philosophers would think of life in our modern world. Perhaps happiness is somewhere in between the lazy summer days and the hustle and bustle of working life.

Indeed, there’s a lot to celebrate in our industry and a lot to look forward to the year ahead. So happy new year to you all, focus on what you can control and find your own happiness amongst the madness of the best industry in the world!