A non-traditional Christmas playlist to send off 2023

By Peter McDonald, MEA CEO

This is the final edition of MEA Express for 2023. And boy has it come around fast. I very literally – yet subconsciously –took a deep breath just as I typed that.

I moved away during the year away from making a music tie-in to my message principle. It's back for a special guest appearance this week in the spirit of the season – just not so typical – so if you enjoyed those references in columns gone by, be sure to read to the end.

Last year I signed off referencing Jackson Browne’s ‘Running on Empty’ (as well as The Wiggles). In hindsight, I kind of wish I’d kept it up my sleeve, because it’s even more appropriate now.

As we learned firsthand, busyness is the poison we pick every time over what’s alternately possible. And it’ll take more than a change of year to stifle activity MEA-side.

There are multiple kick-off events in train around the country, with registration for some already open. Of course, submissions for the 2023 MEA Awards are already open too, with an early February entry closing date looming on the horizon. Quarter 2 will see state and territory-based awards functions and of course, Evolve. We hope to announce the destination next month. We’re toying with the idea of a nationally synced ClubMEA event in Quarter 3 to be held on the same day in every state/territory. It’s something a little bit different, but as I say remains a work in progress. Stay tuned to MEA Express. Then before I know it, it’ll be December again and I’ll be writing this same sign-off message in the wake of some great MEA Christmas events having been held across the nation.

The plans for our professional development events around the country and the relaunched webinar program are exciting. There’s no off switch for industry-centric bespoke training nor our upgraded Diploma of Event Management qualification, that are here anytime they’re needed for upskilling of groups or individuals.

2024 will see the mentor program back after 2 very successful rollouts this year. We have intentions to introduce further new member services too so keep watching this space.

Thank you to all members who maintained their membership and welcome again – and in a number of cases welcome back – to members who joined or rejoined in 2023. It’s reassuring to know we’re doing something right and good.

I reminded readers in my final columns for 2021 and 2022 how fortunate the MEA community is to have the team serving it that it does. My opinion in this regard has only gotten stronger.

Although at HQ we lost Christine during the year as she went travelling to get on with living her best life, and Sonia who was with us for a short time, Claire, Jo and Lisa have stepped up day in, day out during 2023 to serve our members, students, stakeholders and the national events community. Thank you, ladies, for the so much the too few of you do (or did) for so many others.

The Board and our State/Territory Branch Committees are all comprised of people in voluntary capacities, over and above ‘day’ jobs. Just as the industry got busier and became more demanding of their energy in that capacity, so too did MEA. To anyone who in 2023 acted or currently act in one of these roles, genuine thanks on behalf of the sector and my team. Your philanthropy is a key MEA fertiliser.

And finally but no less significantly to our corporate partners who invested in MEA throughout the year, whether this was in a general sense or as a specific program, Evolve or event sponsor, on behalf of all aforementioned groups our gratitude to you for that support is extensive. I truly hope it was rewarded.

Our offices will close on 22 December and reopen on 2 January. We’ll next be back in your inbox with MEA Express on 17 January.

But ahead of that, I wish all readers a lovely Christmas and my hopes that they may….