Introducing Megan Peters - MEA Deputy Chair Director
By Megan Peters, Deputy Chair - MEA Board
At the time of writing, I am basking in the warmth of post AIME catch ups, the deadline for our MEA awards submission is looming, and I am about to head onsite for a premium event at Sydney’s Firedoor Restaurant. Looking at my to-do list today full of catch ups, admin and events all made me think about why I love events and our industry.
Straight up, AIME was outstanding. Peter Jones AM and his team at PJSE outdid themselves on the welcome event (along with the many event suppliers involved), the show floor was buzzing, and my team have come back energised and focused from the Knowledge Sessions. Congratulations to all involved – a truly wonderful event.
It got me thinking about all the reasons that I love my job – and this very quickly, and quite naturally, led me to considering MEA and what our place in this amazing industry we have built remains to be. There is clearly a lot of talk now of advocacy and a voice to Government – and I support the efforts that are being made by our industry in this regard.
However, here are my top 3 reasons for being as involved as I am with MEA:
- Networking and Relationships – I have never seen MEA as a source of business. For me, it is about keeping my industry relationships relevant and ensuring that I know who-is-who-in-the-zoo so that my clients are getting the best people for their event. Now, more than ever, our supply chain is changing. MEA gives me the opportunity to meet suppliers from all facets of the industry, large and small. I come solidly from a small business background, and MEA has always provided an opportunity for me, in my small business roles, to feel connected and part of something bigger.
- Education – I love the MEA Evolve conference – anyone who knows me knows I never say no to an opportunity to connect and Evolve is my favourite MEA event of the year. Registrations have just opened, and this is not meant to be a shameless plug, but for me the MEA conference has always served as a mid-year opportunity to refill my cup with inspiring sessions and good, solid, networking opportunities so that I am ready to face the back half of the year. I have had team members across my career benefit from the courses offered through the MEA RTO; and I loved that the webinars kept me connected with the industry during Covid. I am looking forward to the return of Professional Development events as well. They have always provided good “bite size” bits of motivation and knowledge.
- Industry philanthropy – The events industry has been my world since I left high school. In all of my roles since I was a BDM, Venue Coordinator, Event Manager in the catering part of the supply chain, right through to my current role as CEO of Lateral – MEA has been a constant in my career; and networking and education has been the mainstay. About 10 years ago I decided I wanted to be a part of it – I wanted to give back my time to the association who had given me so much opportunity in my career. I spent 9 years on the NSW Branch and am now heading in to my second year on the National Board.
I know everyone has different reasons for being associated with different organisations in our space. In my career, I have always had the belief that you never know who you are talking to, and you should show the same respect to your competitors that you show your clients. Everyone has their place in this industry, and you never know when a competitor might become a client.
To me, the current talk about the emergence of new association options for the industry is the same sort of theory. I love the fact that Covid has highlighted a need for unity in our industry, but there remains a place for everyone.
MEA holds a special place in my heart, and in the hearts of many industry greats. MEA has shown resilience and integrity over its almost 50 years of existence – and it has proven its worth to members as an inclusive Association for all sectors of our industry, from individuals through to small and large businesses. The industry is stronger and more connected through the existence of MEA and I look forward to continuing my role for many years to come.
There is a place for everyone in this world – and no matter what the future holds, our industry will continue to thrive, and everyone will continue to have their place in our incredibly diverse and fabulous world.
We are sharing the word around – and over the next few months you will start to hear from other Board Members like Megan. Watch this space.